AVID Classes
Freshman Year
Ninth grade AVID students focus on organization skills, study skills, and public speaking strategies. AVID tutors will check their binders regularly to make sure that there are no loose papers, assignments are being kept in order, and to get the students into the habit of being organized. They are also introduced to the AVID TRF (Tutorial Request Form), which is used in all grades. The form assists students in identifying an area in which they are struggling academically and in conjunction to the Tutorial sessions, students are able to find the academic support through their peers and college-level tutors.
Students will collaborate on group assignments, prepare and give presentations, and have the opportunity to research and visit college campuses.
Sophomore Year
Tenth Grade AVID students focus on earning and maintaining a college ready GPA, attaining learning strategies to succeed in higher level courses, and keeping up the skills acquired in ninth grade. This is the year that students begin their in-depth research surrounding CSU, UC, and Private schools. There is also an increased focus on taking and utilizing Focused Notes to prepare students for the rigors of junior year courses.
Students will collaborate on group assignments, prepare and give presentations, and have the opportunity to research and visit college campuses.
Junior Year
AVID 3/IB Theory of Knowledge is all about the GPA. Students will utilize their skills and Individual Determination to maintain competitive grades; and diversify their experiences by building a community service portfolio, taking ROP courses, and taking AP/IB classes. Students learn key skills such as interviewing, team-building, responsibility, and research. There is also a heavy emphasis on degree searching and initiating their college Personal Insight Questions while also visiting colleges the students are considering applying to.
In addition, Junior students are tasked with writing and presenting ideas where they demonstrate critical thinking surrounding the 5 areas of knowledge for their IB Exhibition.
Senior Year
AVID 4/IB Theory of Knowledge is our capstone course. Students receive ‘G’ elective credit for this class. During fall semester students maintain their rigorous course loads all the while workshopping their college essays and applications. Students research majors and schools, finally completing college applications. After they’ve applied, students fill out the FAFSA and submit scholarship applications.
During the spring our students decide where they are going to school and we assist them with budgeting for school, planning for college life and filling out paperwork that colleges and financial aid continues to require. We complete the year with our “Adulting” unit, where students become prepared to enter the adult world of college and the workplace, having completed a resume, practice job interviews and researched living arrangements during college.
As with every other AVID year, students maintain focused notes for all classes, complete weekly tutorials and binder checks, participate in community service and class bonding activities. The seniors are a very tight knit group and cheer each other on through this exciting time in their lives.