Associated Student Body

Associated Student Body

1995, 2004 & 2009 ASB Camp Spirit Award Winners
2005 – 2008 and 2010 ASB Camp Spirit Award Runner-Up

Welcome to the Ocean View High School Associated Student Body (ASB) page. Being an ASB officer is an important job that requires a lot of time, effort, dedication, and responsibility. It is also very rewarding giving each member great memories and opportunities to have fun, and get involved in the school and the decisions that affect every student. ASB officers are in charge of the school activities and all the ASB funds for the entire year.




Sara Spilsbury
Activities TOSA
(714) 848-0656 x56501
[email protected]  


Kendra Rosales
Assistant Principal
(714) 848-0656 x56403
[email protected]  


Sandra Dimick
ASB Bookkeeper
(714) 848-0656 x56413
[email protected]  


Christopher Melton
Senior Secretary for Activities
(714) 848-0656 x56408
[email protected]