Contact OV Support Staff
Navigating challenging times can be tough, and we recognize the importance of having someone to talk to.
Johnny Pinto
Mental Health Specialist
(714) 848-0656 x56305
[email protected]
Karen Collison
School Counselor
(714) 848-0656 x56470
[email protected]
I provide academic/college and social-emotional support for juniors and seniors. If you have questions about college, credits, or summer school options, please feel free to contact me!
Sarah Corbitt
School Psychologist
(714) 848-0656 x56480
[email protected]
Mrs. Corbitt's primary role at Ocean View High School is to assist in the assessment and educational planning for students with disabilities, although she makes herself available to students and teachers in general education for counseling and collaboration as well. Mrs. Corbitt is also available to work with parents and caregivers in addressing their children’s educational needs.
Claudia R. Gomez
Student Support School Psychologist
(714) 848-0656 x56682
[email protected]
Virtual Office (click around for resources)
Hi Seahawks! I provide socio-emotional support to all students but especially, freshman and sophomores. I also support students by coordinating 504 Accommodation Plans and Student Success Team (SST) meetings. I am also the OVHS McKinney-Vento/Homelessness Program liaison. Contact me if you have any questions by sending me an email or by stopping by my office, room 206. I'm here to support you!
Krista Wagnon
School Pyschologist
(714) 848-0656 x56417
[email protected]
I am a school psychologist serving the special education population specifically in the I.D.E.A.S. program. For concerns, questions, or counseling questions, you may contact me or your student's case manager.
- Safety & Wellness Links
- Warning Signs of Suicide
- Support Services Hotlines
- Tips for Talking With Students About School Violence
- NASP Anxiety for Parents
- Beach Cities Interfaith Services
- Health Care Agency Behavioral Services
- Stop Bullying
- Call 2-1-1
- National Human Trafficking Resource Center
- ASPIRE at Hoag
- HS Success Links
- Keys to HS Success
- Test Anxiety 101
- Executive Skills Teen Brain Handout